Friday, February 2, 2024

Imbolc: Soon Spring



Imbolc is upon us.  The festival of Brigid has begun.   Brigid is the goddess of poetry of inspiration and of wisdom along with many more. There were great fires built and, still, today, we build a bonfire or light candles, and create light to celebrate the returning of the warm light.  Fire represents hope after dark and hard times.  It transforms, it is representative of passion.  It is a time of renewal and transforming creativity.

Today is the time to light a white candle and to place it where you express your creativity.  It adds the spark to what you are doing.


it is night     but not as long a night

dince light appears earlier and earlier

within the lacy fronds of cedars

stretching up to brush away winter clouds


melting snow runs off rooftops

singing as it makes its way down

spouts and off corners and on to ground

lapping up every drop it can


a few feeble chirps rise above

heavy night    welcoming

a soon-spring


she moves in to kitchen warmth

where bread rises in pans

reaching for baking heat

to be finished after hours of yeasty wait


she whips dream for later dinner’s treat

following hearty rich stew full of fall’s bounty

of root vegetables that drew in

the last of rich loamy nutrients in her garden


by light of candle’s fire swirl

her fingers tap staccato dance upon keys

in order to release a poem

that has lain heavily on her heart


time to build a great fire out in patio pit

burn last year’s lavender and collected sage

bits of cedar and precious tobacco

to symbolize letting go to flame

her last year’s sorrows


she wipes her brow     her eyes     watches fire eat

away at her burdens until ash

is finished flying away     she turns and enters

where hope, as sunrise, rises, reflected in patio doors


©Carol Desjarlais 2.2.24


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